Prime - Prime is a holistic programme aimed at midlife women who want to feel healthy, happy and vibrant
Prime is a holistic programme aimed at midlife women who want to feel healthy, happy and vibrant.
I would like to use this space to give you information, tips, good habits, talks about hormones, sleep and other symptoms associated with the menopause.
We are all in this together to let's talk!
Menopause Part 1 Symptoms
There are many symptoms for the Menopause and every woman has a different combination of symptoms to varying degrees. These can include anxiety, night sweats, fatigue and joint pain but for some, it may be trouble sleeping, hot flushes, headaches, tender breasts, mood swings, weight gain, dry skin or difficulty concentrating for others.
1. Hot Flushes
2. Night Sweats
3. Loss of Libido
4. Vaginal Dryness
5. Irregular Periods
6. Anxiety
7. Irritability
8. Panic Disorders
9. Difficulty Concentrating
10. Mood Swings
11. Foggy Brain
12. Depression
13. Fatigue
14. Hair Loss
15. Sleep Problems
16. Dizziness
17. Weight Gain
18. Bloating
19. Allergies
20. Brittle Nails
21. Osteoporosis
22. Irregular Heartbeat
23. Changes in Body Odour
24. Bladder Problems
25. Breast Pain
26. Headaches
27. Joint Pain
28. Burning Mouth
29. Electric Shock
30. Nausea and Digestive Problems
31. Dental Problems
32. Muscle Tension
33. Dry and Itchy Skin
34. Tingling Extremities